READERS' COMMENTS “You should be syndicated so everybody can enjoy these cartoons.” a Loyal Reader
“These cartoons are so funny and I love to look at the drawings.” a Weekly Newspaper Editor
“I'll never let my subscription run out because I would miss this cartoon so much.” a Reader
“I really love the one about having to take the wife's poodle out deer hunting.” a Reader
“The cartoon is a really pleasant addition to my local paper. I would really miss it if it was gone.” a Reader
“I think that a cartoon drawn exclusively for Wisconsin weekly papers is a great idea. It is something that could be a real asset for the newspapers. It is well worth the cost when it increases reader satisfaction.” Former Weekly Newspaper Publisher
“I spent the winter in Florida and I had my hometown newspaper forwarded to me. When it didn't show up the thing I really missed was the cartoon.” a Reader
"I live to read this cartoon. It's my second favorite...right after "Calvin and Hobbs"! a Reader